Tuesday, December 6, 2016


At least we can test the idea that things we build in our imagination become things in our reality.

I see a hand putting a box in my mail box, and in that box I see a beautiful gold coin.

I am, it is true, confronted with some issues around this imaginary construction. Who sent me the box and why? Did I do anything beyond just imagining this to make it an extraimagination reality, and, if not, does that place me at risk of some kind of problematic repercussion? (I know, repercussions are problematic by definition.) These kinds of thoughts, which are called reservations, can go on and on, when we construct things in our imaginations.

We can build what will perhaps be more robust imaginary constructs by thinking out entire imaginary processes that end in our desired outcome, such as someone putting a box in our mail box in which, in pretty wrapping, is a beautiful gold coin, and a rather antique one, at that.


More doubts and worries. This is getting ridiculous. Now I'm worried just about having a gold coin of this sort, or rather, about how to sell it. Yes, I want to sell it. Besides, what could I possibly do to get someone to send me an immensely valuable gold coin in the mail? Note to self: easy giving store. What was t I dreamed up earlier? Oh, right, setting up our own government with an easy voting app.

Well, it just goes on and on like this. Here's the thing: if you've got a problem of some kind, you might be able to go out and do something about it. Example: not enough money: get a job. Well, that's not an available option for everybody (due to psychological factors, mainly). OK, next, what's the real problem with not having enough money? I mean, maybe you're homeless, or dying and need an operation or something, and if something like that is the case, it's kind of rough to say you should just be happy, stay cool, and everything will be OK, but, do you want the truth? Well, that's the truth. And, again, here's the thing: doing the kind of "inner work" I've been describing, while it may not bring you gold in the mail, will - and this is actually my experience - tend to help you stay cool, and make things go fine ... despite whatever. I recommend doing a lot of this kind of work.

Probably the way this works is, it helps you stay cool, and that tends to make things go along OK.

Here's another example. Let's say you want someone - a loved one, perhaps - to treat you differently. You could start a fight with them - that being the likely only other alternative - and I suppose it could work ... or, you could go into the inner world and work on the problem there. Just create a story in your mind's eye in which they are behaving towards you the way you wish they would. I've had decent luck with this ... even wonderful luck with it ... and it has, by the way, really cut down on the fighting.

Just on a theoretical level, to wrap this up, the more detailed and complete you can make your imaginary stories, the better this ought to work, to the point where it ought to make anything at all actually possible for you. Also, the more time you spend in your inner world this way, the more effective the practice ought to be for you ... though there's a question of balance, it has to be said. Maybe you can work that last thing out yourself. I mean, the questions go on and on. Part of what I'm trying to do here is spend time in my inner world while at the same time doing something external, too. I might try this some more. I kind of like it. Maybe I can get deeper into my inner world this way ... and sell someone something - really, in the real world - while I'm at it.

get your sweetie something

Sunday, July 31, 2016

example 1

Evidence that stocks can and do go up.


Click the star for links to additional information. Click the chart to view it full size.

Choosing the *m link, then looking at the "financials" ... Dec. 2015 annual report ... $3B in sales and a $500K loss. Current assets: $1B, total liabilities: $1.7B, current liabilities: $315M. Checklist: Big: yes; Profitable: no. Size of loss: small; Profitable prior years: mixed / yes; Book value: no; current ratio: strong / yes; Marked down: yes = down 50% in 6 months.